What is Computer and Its Characteristics

Two decades ago, it was a luxury to have a telephone in our homes and it was luxury in a luxury to actually have a computer in our homes. But now in recent times, it is inevitable to not have a personal smartphone.

If you want to call someone, you use your smartphone. If you want to take a picture, you use your phone. If you want to text someone, you generally use messaging apps nowadays rather than using e-mails. If you want to use torch, you use your phone's flashlight.

See, how common it is to not use a smartphone nowadays. Do you know, smartphones are actually a type of computers. They actually comes under the category of hand help computers.

So, do we actually know what a computer is? What are its characteristic features? Is it a no? Well, let me help you. In this article we are going to go deep in this subject so make sure to wear your seatbelt and don't ask me to stop in midway.

What is Computer and is Characteristics

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